Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cripping the City heads to Vancouver!

Photo by Ajith Rajeswari
I'm excited to announce that this blog is now going to include students' experiences undertaking "The Accessible Date" assignment in Vancouver and the surrounding area! These students are taking an undergraduate course at Simon Fraser University called "Cripping the Norm: Disability Studies and its Intersections" in the Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Department. In groups of 2 or 3, they will be planning a date with a person using a wheelchair by exploring their local community for accessible places to eat, be entertained and have some privacy. Check out "What is 'The Accessible Date' Assignment?" for more specific details.

The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the construction of dis/ability and its role as a system of oppression, and this assignment is a productive way for students to engage with accessibility issues and to think critically about the relationships between public space and sexuality. I believe taking these ideas out of the classroom into the community provides a valuable experience that enhances students' interest and understanding.

You'll be hearing from the students themselves over the next two weeks as they share their stories and images from their travels.

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